Instant Index: Panda Cubs on Two Continents Unveiled to Public on Same Day

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex, or email us at, and they could appear on "World News."

J an . 6 Declared Most Miserable Day of the Year If you didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning, blame the calendar. Researchers calculated Jan. 6 as the most miserable day of 2014 because everyone is returning to work, Christmas bills are due, New Year's resolutions have likely been broken and the weather is getting worse. They're calling it "Blue Monday."

Panda Cubs on Two Continents Unveiled to Public on Same Day Panda cubs made their debuts today on two continents. In Taiwan, little Yung Zai, a 6-month-old giant panda, was first introduced to her admiring public at the Taipei Zoo. In Washington, D.C. baby giant panda Bao Bao, just 4.5 months, made her big media debut this morning at the National Zoo.

(Patrick Lin/Reuters Photo)

Bushes Celebrate 69th Wedding Anniversary Former President George H. W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary today, making them the longest married first couple in US history. The lovebirds planned a low-key celebration at home after Barbara's release from the hospital.

' SNL ' Hires First Black Female in Five Years After a firestorm of criticism and a nationwide talent search, Sasheer Zamata will join the cast of "Saturday Night Live" as the first black woman since Maya Rudolph five years ago.