Instant Index: Ernest Hemingway Sent Love Letter to Marlene Dietrich

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E rnest Hemingway Sent Love Letter to Marlene Dietrich A love letter from Ernest Hemingway to screen siren Marlene Dietrich will be sold at auction next week. In the letter, Hemingway nicknamed Dietrich "Kraut," a nod to her German heritage. He was in Cuba at the time filming "The Old Man and the Sea" while Dietrich was performing in Vegas. He teased her in the letter, saying she should go on stage "drunk" and joked that he had the body of Burt Lancaster. He signed the letter "Papa."

(Getty Images)

$600K Stolen From Pastor Joel Osteen's Church Someone stole $600,000 from the safe at Pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston. Donations made during Sunday services, cash, checks and credit card numbers were all stolen. Church officials said they were "heartbroken" but fully insured and asked parishioners to be on the lookout.