Instant Index: Sweaters for Penguins

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex, or email us at, and they could appear on "World News."

Knitting Sweaters for Penguins

A beguiling rescue effort is under way to save tiny penguins that are swimming in waters polluted with oil. The solution? Tiny sweaters knitted and donated by Good Samaritans around the world. Each flipper hole is just 1.5 inches wide. The penguins are so small, a patch of oil no bigger than a thumbnail can kill them. The sweaters keep them from preening their feathers and swallowing toxic oil. So far the sweaters are working and the rescuers say, they now have enough sweaters to go around. The Penguin Foundation released a statement that it was fully stocked with these sweaters and would hold on to the extras in the event of an oil spill.

Clothing Company's First Kiss Ad Goes Viral

It's been out for only two days and already 30 million people have watched it. An advertisement video for the clothing company WREN is billed as 20 complete strangers asked to kiss with the cameras rolling. Although it's true that the stars of the video were in fact strangers, the couples weren't off the street. They were paid actors, musicians and models. So although the video tugged at the heartstrings, it might just be because the stars were in fact, stars.