Instant Index: New Johnny Cash Album to Be Released

From the unconventional and awe-inspiring to the hilarious and heartwarming, here's a look at some of the most interesting photos, videos and stories that have our newsroom talking today. What's capturing your attention, filling your inbox and cluttering your Facebook/Twitter feed? Tweet us the stories you're talking about using #InstantIndex, or email us at, and they could appear on "World News."

Girl Scout Breaks Cookie-Selling Record An Oklahoma girl sold more Girl Scout cookies than any other in the organization's history, beating the record by just 10 boxes. Middle School student Katie Francis, of Oklahoma City, officially broke the record when she sold a staggering 18,010 boxes of cookies. The previous record was 18,000. Francis, who was also the national top seller in 2013, set a goal to sell 20,000 boxes and still has one more week of selling left. Jaimie Siegal, director of marketing and communications at Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma, said they want to wait until the selling period is over before commenting on Francis' success.

Stressed Women Less Likely to Get Pregnant A new study has found that the more stress a woman has, the harder it is for her to get pregnant. Researchers measured an enzyme found in saliva that showed women with the highest levels of stress were more than twice as likely to be infertile. The researchers recommend that women hoping to conceive should attempt to bring their stress levels down with yoga or meditation.

New Johnny Cash Album to Be Released It's been 11 years since Johnny Cash died but a new album, recorded in 1984, is set to be released. Cash's family calls the new songs, "Johnny Cash at his prime, shining his spirit alive." "Out Among the Stars" comes out Tuesday.

(Kirk West/Getty Images)