Connecticut Babysitter’s Journals Detail Sexual Relationship With Teen

ABC News’ Ross Eichenholz reports:

Journal entries written by Loni Bouchard, the 20-year-old Connecticut babysitter facing sexual assault charges, reveal more details of  the sexual relationship she told police she had with a 14-year-old boy she was hired to babysit.

In the entries, quoted in an arrest warrant released earlier this week and obtained by ABC News, Bouchard chronicled how her friendship with the unnamed victim, who lives in Southington, Conn., evolved into a romance in the early months of 2011. 

She writes explicitly about alleged sexual encounters with the teen, calling one instance “the best I’ve ever had,” and professes her love for him, despite the potential consequences.

“I know there is a 5-year age difference, but why does it have to matter?” she writes. “I don’t care about the law.  I just want to be with him and not have to hide it.”

Bouchard appeared in court on Monday following her arrest on July 12 after a three-month investigation by the Clinton, Conn., Police Department. She was charged with second degree sexual assault, risk of injury to a minor and illegal purchase of liquor. 

According to the warrant, the victim’s mother hired Bouchard in December 2010 to babysit for her children, and would frequently let her stay at their home overnight.

But in April 2011, the victim’s mother discovered Facebook messages between Bouchard and her son, who admitted to the sexual relationship and told her he had been given alcohol and marijuana by Bouchard and her mother, Kimmy, while he was at their home in nearby Clinton.  The mother then told Bouchard she was no longer allowed to contact her son, and filed a restraining order against her.

Bouchard provided a statement to police admitting to the relationship with the victim and acknowledging its illegality.  She also admitted to having sexual relations with another teenage boy, according to the warrant.  That boy’s parents would not allow him to speak with investigators.

Kimmy Bouchard was also arrested and charged with providing marijuana and alcohol to the teen.

Both women are scheduled to be back in court on Oct. 3.