Gumby Tries to Rob 7-Eleven - ABC News

Gumby Tries to Rob 7-Eleven

Disguises are often a part of robberies, but for the man who tried to hold up a 7-Eleven near San Diego dressed as Gumby, the green, clay biped that once had a long-running TV series, his  costume got in the way of his plan.

First, the clerk did not take Gumby seriously. When Gumby asked for a pack of cigarettes and told the clerk “this is a robbery,”  the clerk, convinced it was a joke, told him, “Come on man, don’t waste my time. I have things to do,” ABC News San Diego affiliate KGTV reported.

Second, after the clerk dismissed Gumby, Gumby said he had a gun and fumbled around in his costume, appearing to search for it. A gun never materialized, but  Gumby did drop 27 cents on the floor as a result of all the movement before leaving the store with an unidentified accomplice.

Store security cameras captured the entire incident.

“Yeah, it’s hilarious to look at it on the video,” San Diego police Detective Gary Hassen told KGTV. “But  it is a very serious crime, and we take it very seriously.”

When it comes to the costume, though, Hassen said a disguise is a disguise.

“It could have been a ski mask. It could have been a bandana. It could have been a hoodie. It just happens to be a Gumby costume,” he said.

Police are still searching for the suspect and his accomplice. A reward of $1,000 has been offered for information that leads to their arrest.