Latest Floating Feet Are a Hoax, Police Say - ABC News

Latest Floating Feet Are a Hoax, Police Say

This file photo obtained from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shows shoes recovered after they washed ashore in Canada’s Pacific coast in 2008 with the remains of feet in them.

When two more feet washed ashore in British Columbia Monday, investigators were scratching their heads.

The feet, which washed ashore in two different places within an hour of one another on Oak Beach, BC, beaches, looked suspiciously like raw meat.

“They had the preliminary appearance of looking like meat stuffed into shoes,” said acting Sgt. Mike Martin of the Oak Bay police department.

The shoes are likely hoaxes, and could be part of an annual prank night by students in Oak Bay, near Victoria, BC, before the first day of school, Martin said. Other “hoax feet” have been found on the shores around Vancouver and Washington State since disembodied feet began washing ashore there four years ago.

The latest hoaxes arrived a week after a real human foot- the 11th to wash up on the northwest coast– was found floating in False Creek, near Vancouver. No foul play is suspected in any of the cases of missing feet. Police believe the feet naturally disembody in the water and are carried to the shore by buoyant running shoes.

Four of the eleven feet have been linked to three people. The rest remain unidentified. All of the remains undergo extensive DNA testing in order to help find who they belonged to, according to Stephen Fonseca of the British Columbia Coroners Service.

Test results on the two Oak Bay shoes are expected this morning.