Tribute to Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros at The Eddie Adams Workshop

For 24 years, the Eddie Adams Workshop has invited top professionals in the photography industry and 100 hand-picked students, tuition free, to experience a four-day labor-intensive photo workshop in upstate New York.  

During the end of the workshop they commemorate photojournalist Eddie Adams, the workshop’s founder, and six of his Vietnam-era photo-journalists who were killed covering war.  For the first time since the workshop began, two new tributes were added this year — to photojournalists, Chris Hondros and Tim Hetherington, who were killed in Misrata, Libya, on April 20, 2011.

Jamie Wellford, international photo editor at Newsweek  made an emotional speech to the workshop about Hetherington’s work and introduced the screening of his 19-minute film “ Diary.” Made in 2010, Hetherington spoke about his project:

“‘Diary’ is a highly personal and experimental film that expresses the subjective experience of my work, and was made as an attempt to locate myself after 10 years of reporting,” he said. “It’s a kaleidoscope of images that link our western reality to the seemingly distant worlds we see in the media.”

The sound and editing by Magali Charrier created a raw hypnotic look into Hetherington’s life as a war-journalist, which the workshop truly took to heart over the weekend.


Camera + Directed by Tim Hetherington Edit + Sound design by Magali Charrier 19' 08 / 2010

The Tim Hetherington Memorial Award, a $2,000 prize, was given to workshop student Dominic Bracco II. The prize was funded by donations of Hetherington’s friends and colleagues during an event at New York’s Bubble Lounge after his death.

The Chris Hondros Fund gave a $2,500 prize and a print to workshop student Enrico Fabian.

Christina Piaia, who was engaged to Chris Hondros, announced that contributions could be made by check to:

The Chris Hondros Fund c/o Getty Images 75 Varick St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10013

The following organizations meant a great deal to Hetherington. Donations in his memory should be directed to:

Milton Margai School for the Blind, Sierra Leone

Human Rights Watch

For more information and a full list of 2011 participants:

More Stories on Hetherington and Hondros on

Tim captures Life not War

Bodies of the Fallen Journalists arrive in Benghazi

 Chris Hondro and Tim Hetherington Killed in War

Sebastian Junger on Tim Hetherington