Why Nicholas Sparks Loves Catholicism

In this first part of my two part interview with him, bestselling author Nicholas Sparks begins by recounting how THE NOTEBOOK was pulled from a slush pile by an agent and then sold for a million dollars.  The rest is history. He also gives his take on why he thinks that book struck such a chord, selling 15 million copies worldwide.

We then go on to talk about his deep commitment to Roman Catholicism, especially at a time when it may not be in vogue in some quarters.  Sparks’ real attraction to his faith is that it doesn’t change.  He says that he’s a big fan of tradition and depends on the constancy of Roman Catholicism, especially since there are so few permanent things in our lives.

Sparks says that faith is your personal relationship with God, who doesn’t change either.  If God doesn’t change and blow with the wind, then why should our faith?