Jaycee Dugard Releases PSA

Jaycee Dugard, the woman who was held captive for 18 years by Phillip Garrido, a registered sex offender, released a public service announcement today compelling people to keep kids safe, by always being vigilant and reporting suspicious behavior.

The 20-second spot is from the JAYC Foundation, which stands for Just Ask Yourself to Care, an organization Dugard founded. The foundation provides support services for families impacted by abduction or other traumatic events.

The PSA begins with families walking along tree-lined sidewalks and Dugard saying, “Just ask yourself to care.”

It then cuts to an empty swing swaying in a park, and Dugar says, “If you see something that looks wrong or amiss, speak out. You might be wrong, but you might just save someone’s life.”

The announcement ends with Jaycee and her mother, Terry Probyn, walking arm-in-arm.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.