Cameraman Falls Off Segway in Front of Thousands of Fans

An Australian cameraman unwittingly became the center of attention and put himself in front of the camera Monday when he fell off a Segway scooter while filming a cricket match in his home country.

Joe Previtera was cruising along the field filming the Boxing Day match between the Australian and Indian cricket teams for Australian Channel 9 when he failed to notice a spare helmet in his path

When he hit the helmet head-on, both he and the Segway promptly tumbled over, camera gear and all.

While the fall was dramatic, luckily for Previtera, he suffered no injuries more severe than a red face.

"I am a bit embarrassed but fine," he told the UK's Daily Mail.

Previtera's tumble occurred not just in front of the players he was there to film, but also in plain sight of the 52,858 fans gathered at the Melbourne Cricket Ground for the game, and the millions watching it on TV around the world.

Immediately after his fall, the players on the field were helpful - Australian wicketkeeper Brad Haddin helped Previtera back to his feet - while the TV commentators were less so.

Media reports of the coverage described the commentators as "merciless" in their laughter and re-raising of a disparaging comment Previtera made against a player 11 years ago that caused a media storm and the threat of legal action from the player involved.

In this case, Previtera kept his cool and laughed at his own clumsiness, getting up to bow to the crowd, and then reliving his fall with Australian batting legend Michael Slater.

"I had said no way will I ever crash this thing. Never ever will you see me crash it," he told Slater. "Maybe I just got a little bit cocky."