Hollywood Murder Mystery Near Brad Pitt's House

Hollywood loves a good murder mystery and this one has the elements of a good thriller: severed body parts, intriguing location, baffling motive.

Police were searching today along a hiking trail beneath the famous Hollywood sign - and not far from Brad Pitt's house - for more body parts and clues. The search follows the discovery of a man's head in a bag on Tuesday and a set of hands and feet on Wednesday.

"This is an unusual occurrence," said Officer Rosario Herrera with the Los Angeles Police Department. "There's no evidence at the scene that the crime occurred there. In fact, it looks like the head was placed in that location."

Police have determined the victim was a male between the age of 40 to 60, but have yet to identify him. Police told ABC News that they are trying to obtain fingerprints from the severed hands to identify the victim.

"They don't have a specific time frame how long the parts were there," said Police spokesperson Bruce Borihanh. "But it doesn't seem like the body was there for too long."

The head, which was found by a couple of women walking their dogs, was not decomposed, police said.

The body parts were discovered in the area called Bronson Canyon Park, which is a popular hiking trail located below the famous Hollywood sign.

One of the people interviewed by police canvassing the area was Brad Pitt's bodyguard.