Woman Tasered in Front of Daughter After Cutting McDonalds Drive-Thru Line - ABC News

Woman Tasered in Front of Daughter After Cutting McDonalds Drive-Thru Line

Credit: Tim Boyle/Bloomberg via Getty Images

North Carolina deputies say they used a Taser on a woman in front of her 3-year-old daughter after she cut the McDonalds drive-thru line and refused to move when she was denied service.

Employees at the McDonalds in Hope Mills, N.C., refused to serve Evangeline Lucca and told her to go to the back of the line. Lucca, 37, refused to move, and blocked the drive-thru for 20 minutes before police arrived on the scene, authorities said.

When deputies arrived, Lucca was "defiant," "would not get off McDonalds property," and was "threatening the deputies," according to Debbie Tanna, a public information officer for the Cumberland County Sherriff's Office.

Customer Anthony Rich, who was in the parking lot during the incident, told the Fay Observer that Lucca was Tasered twice.

"Two or three officers entered the car with her and started trying to forcibly drag her out of the car, and that's when you could hear the clicking sound of the Taser one time," Rich told the Fay Observer. "They pulled on her a couple of times, and then they Tased her again, and when they Tased her the second time, she just flopped out of the car like a fish."

Tanna told ABC News that Lucca was "drive Tased in her side," which means deputies did not deploy the prongs from the Taser, they just gave Lucca an electric shock.

Lucca's daughter, who was in the car, was taken into protective custody.

Lucca was charged with second-degree trespassing, authorities said. Tanna said the woman was in custody, and would remain there until she pays her bond.