Hawaii Volcano Wipes Out Last Remaining Home

A volcano that erupted in Hawaii has destroyed the last remaining home in the neighborhood that spanned the volcano's side.

The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island wiped out a subdivision neighborhood on the mountainside Friday. The lava from the volcano, which had previously destroyed homes and roads, poured into the final remaining home in the neighborhood, burning it to the ground.

Larry Thompson, who had lived in his home there for 30 years, said he had expected the lava to eventually hit his house. The last home to go before his was during a 2008 eruption of the volcano.

"This is the second house I've had in this subdivision, so I've been on this mountain about 40 years," Thompson said. "I think it's about the end of it. I don't think anybody will be living up here anymore."

The volcano has been continuously erupting since 1983, adding more than 500 acres of lava rock to the island's topography, according to Janet Babb, a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey at the Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory.

Babb noted that Kilauea has shown no signs of stopping.