'Nightline' Daily Line: Live Blog, Super Tuesday Edition

We're going to try something a little different here. On the day of the biggest contest for the GOP race this election season, Nightline is bringing you behind the scenes of our daily grind, from our morning meeting pitches to Terry Moran straightening his tie behind the anchor desk before air. This is the first "Nightline" Daily Line live blog - Super Tuesday edition.

1:54 a.m. ET: We're going live at 2:30 AM EST for our west coast viewers… we'll see you all then!

1:28 a.m. ET: A very sleepy Producer Alex Waterfield wanders back up to the Nightline floor. It's not over yet…

1:27 a.m. ET: Cookie delivery would just be gluttonous at this point…right?

1:23 a.m. ET: Waiting on Alaska…

12:59 a.m. ET: Terry goes live for an ABC special report on Ohio's results.

12:49 a.m. ET: ABC News reporting that Mitt Romney is the apparent winner in the Ohio primary. Terry back at his desk, everyone back in the control room. Executive Producer Jeanmarie Condon and Special Events Executive Producer Marc Burstein in the second row, watching Alaska results stream in.

12:39 a.m. ET: Coffee. And waiting.

12:19 a.m. ET: Our unflappable director Jeffrey Kay making moves and taking names.

12:00 a.m. ET: ABC News projects that Romney will win the Idaho caucus. Nightline's aired to the east coast… time to wait for news to break for our friends out west.

11:57 p.m. ET: Email war erupts about who makes a better Sarah Palin- Tina Fey on SNL, or Julianne Moore in Game Change?

11:34 p.m. ET: One minute to air and there's no winner in Ohio. Terry's in the chair, we're all in the control room…Ready, set, go!

10:31 p.m. ET: All eyes glued to the TVs… and Santorum and Romney's speeches.

10:15 p.m. ET:  ABC News Political Analyst Matt Dowd is called in.

9:42 p.m. ET: Still unclear. Ohio remains the wild card.

9:11 p.m. ET: Senior Broadcast Producer Pete Austin tells Senior Producer Melinda Arons that Romney and Santorum are basically even in Ohio… she breathes a deep sigh of exhaustion. Going to be a long night.

8:01 p.m. ET: Based on our analysis of the exit polls, ABC News projects that Romney will win the Massachusetts primary. Santorum is leading in the Oklahoma primary.

7:52 p.m. ET: Late-night gang fueling up on sushi.

 7:34 p.m. ET:  Based on our analysis of the vote in so far, ABC News projects that Romney will win the Vermont primary.

7:19 p.m. ET:  Based on the exit polls and our analysis of the vote in so far, ABC News projects that Romney will win the Virginia primary.

7:05 p.m. ET  Lost in the Super Tuesday shuffle:  Prince Harry in Jamaica-a little update from the story we brought you last night-The Prince vs. gold Medalist.  

7:00 p.m. ET:  Based on our analysis of the exit poll ABC News projects that Gingrich will win the Georgia primary. Romney is leading in Virginia and Vermont.

4: 18 p.m. ET: Nightline 4:15 production meeting starts - not unusual that we're starting a few minutes late.

Melinda tells us Terry is still writing… He's looking at whether tonight will be a turning point in the Republican race, and where things go next.   John Berman is also still writing our "Game Change" piece, a story about the campaign that never stops.

3:41 p.m. ET: Nightline D.C. producer Mary Marsh flagged a fascinating graphic from the official Twitter Government and Politics team. It shows how often the top four GOP candidates have tweeted from their official accounts from the Iowa Caucuses and leading up to Super Tuesday. Seems Newt has some catching up to do.

3:12 p.m. ET: Anchor Terry Moran hard at work on his script for tonight's lead piece:

1:20 p.m. ET: Anchor Terry Moran, senior producer Melinda Arons and producer Victoria Thompson walk into the office, fresh off the plane from Ohio, where they had been gathering color ahead of our Super Tuesday coverage.

11:21 a.m. ET: Executive producer Jeanmarie Condon lays out the plan for tonight's line-up: Terry Moran will lead off our Super Tuesday coverage with checking the pulse of the current GOP race situation - why Mitt Romney will be the likely nominee but no one is enthused about it.

Thrown in the mix with be a rapid-fire roundtable segment with ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer.

ABC's John Berman will do a piece around the new HBO Film:  'Game Change' - in the middle of this campaign it seems like they are still squabbling over the last one!

11:03 a.m. ET: Nightline morning meeting starts.