Bear Tranquilized After Wandering Onto University of Colorado Campus - ABC News

Bear Tranquilized After Wandering Onto University of Colorado Campus

Andy Duann/CU Independent

A bear that climbed up a tree at the University of Colorado campus in Boulder has been taken back to mountains.

Campus officials responded to a call of a bear wandering around Thursday morning near the Bear Creek Apartments, according to the Associated Press.

Officials tranquilized the 200-pound bear and it fell onto a large mat.

"He was just resting up in the tree probably for a good two hours," CU police spokesman Ryan Huff told ABC News affiliate KMGH.

"He was pretty mellow. He was resting up on the branch," Huff told the station.

The bear will be taken back to the wild.

"We try to move bears more than 50 miles and also try to get them across a major river or highway so that there is a barrier to them heading right back to where they came from," Randy Hampton, spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, told KMGH.