On "Primetime: What Would You Do?," Friday, April 13

When People See a Situation that Cries Out for Action, Do They Step in, Back Away or Just Walk on by?

Using hidden cameras, "What Would You Do?" establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process. "Primetime: What Would You Do?" airs FRIDAY, APRIL 13 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.

Friday, April 13 Scenarios Include:

Kids cheating on SAT:  SAT test taking has made news recently as several high school kids have had other people take the test for them.  So what would happen when WWYD sets up a scenario at a café where a college student and high school student discuss making a deal to cheat on the SAT? 

Autistic Kids (in conjunction with Autism Awareness Month):  When an autistic child has a meltdown at a restaurant, and a fellow patron complains, how will others react? 

Pawn Shop Con:  In a pawn shop, a customer claims to have a rare item.  When the pawn shop owner goes in back to finalize the deal, the seller confesses to the bystander that the item is fake.  Will the bystander say anything? 

Spring Break - Naughty Videographer:  WWYD previews its Spring Break edition airing April 20 with a look at how bystanders will react to a creepy filmmaker who is trying to lure naïve spring breakers into his hotel room to take pictures of them, promising stardom.   

"Primetime: What Would You Do?" has won awards from the Chicago International Television Festival, and the Avon Foundation's 2006 Voice of Change award for exposing "injustice and wrongdoing against women and bringing the message of domestic violence to the mainstream." 

David Sloan is executive producer and Danielle Baum Rossen is the senior broadcast producer of "What Would You Do?"

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