Yogi-Like Bear Captured in L.A. Back Yard
L.A.'s newest celebrity was caught on camera by helicopter paparazzi as officials tranquilized him while he trespassed in someone's backyard early today.
Glen Bearian, a 250-300 pound black bear, has become known for strolling through Los Angeles County streets and yards. Like any celebrity he has a Twitter account, a log of his latest appearances on Google maps, and his fans know his eating habits. For Bearian, that was Costco meatballs, tuna and oranges from peoples' trees.
"Please don't be afraid of me," Bearian tweeted last week to his over 200 followers. "I wont eat you. Unless you're a meatball from Costco. Are you?"
Officials received a call at around 3:30 a.m. this morning of a black bear in the backyard of a house in La Crescenta-Montrose. The black bear was strolling through the neighborhood as local news choppers watched the bear's every move.
News choppers captured on tape one resident who learned a tough lesson about texting and walking: you could run into something. As soon as the man realized what was standing in front of him was a black bear, the resident ran in the opposite direction taking a couple of looks back in shock.
Soon after, officials tranquilized the black bear and used a blanket to carry him out of the backyard. Officials then placed him in what they call a Culvert Trap, which is normally used to trap a bear.
"It's the safest way to transport the bear," California Fish and Game public information officer Andrew Hughan said. "We had a very successful operation where we darted and tranquilized the bear."
Hughan says the black bear will be transported and released at the Angeles National Forest.
Officials say the nice Southern California weather most likely prompted Bearian to make another debut appearance in the L.A. county neighborhood this morning.
"He was running around looking for more food," Hughan said. "The weather was nicer this morning, so he was out and about."