Army Nurse in Afghanistan Dies During Skype Chat; Wife Saw Bullet Hole

Credit: U.S. Army/AP Photo

A woman who watched her husband, an Army nurse in Afghanistan, die during a Skype video chat, says she saw a bullet hole in the closet behind him after he collapsed suddenly.

In a statement released today by Capt. Bruce Kevin Clark's family, Clark's wife, Susan Orellana-Clark, described what she saw from the Skype video.

"During the Skype conversation on April 30th 2012, there was no sign that CPT Clark was in any discomfort, nor did he indicate any alarm. Then CPT Clark was suddenly knocked forward. The closet behind him had a bullet hole in it."

The Skype video link continued for about two hours as Clark's family tried to get help, according to the statement.

"After two hours and many frantic phone calls by Mrs. Clark, two military personnel arrived in the room and appeared to check his pulse, but provided no details about his condition to his wife," read the statement.

The Pentagon says Clark's cause of death remains under investigation, according to The Associated Press.

Clark was deployed to Afghanistan in March. His body was returned Thursday to Dover Air Force Base, according to the AP.

In an earlier statement, the family said Clark was a "model father, husband, family member, U.S. Army Chief Nurse, and American citizen."

He is survived by his wife and two daughters, ages 3 and 9.