The Global News Quiz - May 14-18


1) What is meant by the term "Grexit"?

2) What group was blamed for the slaughter of 49 people whose headless, handless bodies were recovered near a highway that leads from Monterrey, Mexico to the South Texas border?

3) Why did a car crash in South Korea make news around the world?

4) Who attacked suspected pirate havens in Somalia?

5) Why did Roman authorities dig up the tomb of notorious crime boss Enrico De Pedis?

6) Ichibara City, Japan boasted this week that it had the world's biggest what?

7) Dozens of U.S. troops are operating at al-Annad air base. What country is al-Annad in?

8) What 70-year-old military commander went on trial for war crimes?

9) What do the "Islamic Defenders Front" in Indonesia and a Christian youth group in Manila have in common?

10) Why did the opening of a café in Vienna make news this week?

11) How and why did Spain's Queen Sophia snub Queen Elizabeth?

12) What was the latest sign of change in Myanmar?


1) It's the word coined for the possibility that Greece will leave the Eurozone, reverting to its own currency and raising the possibility that other debt-ridden economies may do the same. This week global economist Nouriel Roubini tweeted: "Grexit path: election, default, exit, capital controls, deposit freeze, drachmatization of euro claims, depreciation, return to growth/jobs."

2) The Zetas drug gang. They disputed the charge.

3) The crash - captured in a video posted on YouTube - revived attention in the phenomenon known as "sudden acceleration". Such incidents plagued Toyota in 2009; this one involved a Hyundai Sonata. The South Korean Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs launched an investigation.

4) A European Union naval force carried out its first air strikes against pirate targets in Somalia. No casualties were reported in the raid, which occurred along Somalia's central coastline.

5) De Pedis' demise had been linked to the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, a 15-year-old who disappeared nearly 30 years ago. The Vatican approved the move in an effort to stop endless rumors of the Vatican's involvement in the unsolved mystery of the girl's disappearance.  

6) The world's largest public toilet. The city spent roughly $120,000 on the toilet, which sits in a transparent booth on a 200-square-meter plot of land. As our Akiko Fujita reported, it's "slightly misleading - it is in fact the largest plot of land for a single toilet…"

7) Yemen.

8) Ratko Mladic.

9) They both protested coming performances by Lady Gaga.

10) It was billed as Europe's first "Cat Café". A place where customers can have drinks while playing with cats.

11) Queen Sofia cancelled a visit to the UK because of disputes over Gibraltar. A Spanish government statement said it was "hardly appropriate" for Queen Sofia, 73, to attend a lunch to commemorate the Queen Elizabeth's jubilee.

12) Myanmar held its first public gay pride event. Gay relationships are still a crime there and discrimination is rife - but the event was allowed to go on.