Houston's Shooting-Survival Video a YouTube Success

(Image Credit: Office of Public Safety/ABC News)

Houston's six-minute PSA video created to show the public what to do in the event of a shooting has had more than 260,000 views on YouTube since it was posted July 23.

Completed shortly before the theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., last month, the video was released earlier than planned in light of the tragedy, Houston mayoral spokeswoman Janice Evans-Davis said.

Since its release by the Office of Public Safety, the video has garnered widespread attention. "Corporations and other cities have contacted us wanting it," Evans-Davis said. "A lot of people are saying it's a useful tool."

The video shows a man opening fire in an office building as employees, unsure of what to do, attempt to hide, flee and save others.

"Run. Hide. Fight" is the video's mantra, describing the order in which one should respond in a shooting.

"Look at your options," Evans-Davis said. "If you can get out of there, get out of there. If that's not going to work, move to your second option: hide. As a last resort, fight.

"Just like 'Stop, drop, roll,' we hope that 'Run. Hide. Fight' will stick in people's head."