Kill Bin Laden? Real-Life, Role-Play Game Lets People Re-Live the Experience

Jeffrey Thompson/ Minnesota Public Radio News

Osama bin Laden has been dead for more than a year, but dozens of people are shelling out big bucks to kill him again in a real-life, role-play game in Minnesota.

Sealed Mindset Firearms Studio, which teaches firearms and personal safety in New Hope, Minn., is offering a special, limited-time exercise in which people can enact a SEAL-type mission and kill a fake bin Laden.

Billed as a "Navy SEAL Adventure," the session simulates an actual SEAL operation. A description on the company's website says the two-hour operation begins with a briefing in which participants will learn their target is named "Geronimo."

Geronimo was the code name for the operation that killed bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 2, 2011.

Participants in Sealed Mindset's exercise are told they will plan with their platoon of eight people, learn to safely shoot the Navy SEAL's "go-to weapon, a custom AR-15," conduct a pre-mission live test fire at a shooting range and execute the mission, according to the website.

Each Geronimo SEAL adventure session costs $325 per person. They started July 12 and will run two or three times per week through Sept. 30.

Sealed Mindset is run by Larry Yatch, a former Navy SEAL, and his wife, Anne. Anne Yatch Monday said her husband was unavailable to comment.

More than 137 people had signed up for the exercise, according to a Minnesota Public Radio story four days ago. The man who plays bin Laden told MPR that he wears rubber padding under his robe to protect him from paintball rounds.