Out of Beer? Man Calls 911

(Image Credit: ABC News)

Some may think of running out of beer on a Saturday night as a minor emergency.

For Allen Troy Brooks, it was a reason to call 911.

"Hey, you want to take me to the store?" Brooks, a 67-year-old man from Columbia, Tenn., asked the 911 dispatcher. "I want to go to the store to get me a beer. I'll pay you."

"OK. Sir. I can't take you to the store to get a beer," the dispatcher said.

Undeterred, Brooks told the dispatcher she could "come now."

"No sir," she said. "You've got 911."

Brooks was arrested for making 911 calls in a non-emergency. He contends he incorrectly dialed and was trying to reach his friend.

Brooks had called 911 11 times in the past month. Many of the calls were hang-ups, police told ABC News' Nashville affiliate WKRN.

Brooks was taken to jail and released on a $1,500 bond.