Bin Laden Raid Book By Navy SEAL Coming - ABC News

Bin Laden Raid Book By Navy SEAL Coming

An ex-U.S. Navy SEAL who was on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and who was present at the time of the terror leader's death has written a firsthand account of the operation to be published next month on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, according to a statement from the book's publisher.

The book, titled "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden," was written by a former SEAL team leader who the publisher said was "one of the first men through the door on the third floor of the terrorist leader's hideout."

"While written in the first person, my experiences are universal," the author, who writes under the pseudonym Mark Owen, says in the book. "It is time to set the record straight about one of the most important missions in U.S. military history. No Easy Day is the story of 'the guys,' the human toll we pay, and the sacrifices we make to do this dirty job."

The book, first reported by The New York Times, will be published by Dutton, a division of the Penguin Group. Dutton said Owen plans to donate a majority of the proceeds to charities that help the families of fallen Navy SEALs. The names of the other SEALs on the raid have been changed in the book for their protection.

Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and the man behind the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 American lives, was killed in early May 2011 in a raid by America's famed SEAL Team Six. During the operation, one of two Blackhawk helicopters that brought the elite troops to their target crashed into a wall of bin Laden's compound, but the SEALs were able to complete the mission without sustaining any American casualties.

The author of the book retired from the SEALs within months of the raid, The Times said, but will still appear in disguise for television interviews to promote the book.

READ: Osama bin Laden, One Year Later: The Man and the Movement