Ransom Note Sent for Stolen Plastic Flamingos

Tom Maguire/The Sun Chronicle

Forty pink plastic flamingos that graced the lawn of a home in Mansfield, Mass., have been stolen, and their owner has reportedly been sent a ransom note for their return.

The thefts reportedly started in May. Homeowner Arthur O'Neil replaced the ornaments, but they continued to be taken.

One of the flamingos was returned last month, but attached to it was a note that said: "If you want Arturo and his friends, please call this number," the Boston Globe reported.

Instead of calling the number on the note, O'Neil, 68, contacted authorities.

"I understand the police have more important things to worry about, but it hurts," O'Neil told the Globe.

O'Neil did not return a request for comment from ABC News.

He reportedly has been collecting the lawn ornaments for four years and dresses them in themed outfits to mark special occasions such as graduations and holidays, the Sun Chronicle newspaper reported.

The flock has become something of a neighborhood attraction. Friends and family reportedly have been pitching in to buy O'Neil new flamingos for his display.