Secretary Clinton Watches Bill's DNC Speech From Asia

Image Credit: Nick Merrill, Department of State

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have been 10,000 miles away from Charlotte, N.C., when her husband gave his rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, but that didn't stop her from watching him deliver it.

After touring a coffee plant in Timor Leste, a tiny new democracy in Asia, she met the country's prime minister and then held a press conference. Coincidentally, former President Clinton's speech ended right about the same time his wife was asked about it by reporters, according to an aide traveling with the secretary.

"My husband read parts of his speech to me over the last few days," said Clinton. "I received the prepared version, which I'm anxious … to compare to … the delivered version," she said, laughing.

But she couldn't watch just yet. First, she met with the staff and families of the embassy to thank them for their service. Once that ended, she walked over to the ambassador's house, where the former first lady could at last take a break from being America's top diplomat and enjoy the role of proud spouse. In a picture released by the State Department, Clinton is seen beaming as she watches her husband nominate President Obama for a second term.

Being able to watch the speech from a country that barely has infrastructure, let alone high-speed Internet access, took some technical prowess. She watched her husband's using SlingPlayer, which streamed a recording from a SlingBox connected to an aide's home TiVo.

As Clinton boarded a plane headed to Brunei, the 110th country she's visited as secretary of state, she told reporters she thought her husband's speech "was great!"