Bristol Palin Bar Heckler Lawsuit Tossed - ABC News

Bristol Palin Bar Heckler Lawsuit Tossed

(Image Credit: Richard Knapp/Lifetime)

A defamation lawsuit filed by a man who made headlines for heckling Bristol Palin in a California bar has been tossed out, her attorney John Tiemessen told ABC News.

In September 2011, Palin was heckled at a West Hollywood bar and restaurant by a man who called her mom, 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, a "whore" and made a crude reference about Bristol's former relationship with Levi Johnston, the father of her 3-year-old son, Tripp .

Stephen Hanks' lawsuit noted that Palin suggested he is a homosexual during their exchange, which occurred while she was shooting a segment for her Lifetime series, "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp." Hanks claims he's been featured in ads for the show despite the fact that he never signed a waiver.

Hanks also states that Palin falsely claimed to a magazine that the incident was the reason why she moved from Los Angeles back to her native Alaska. He argues that Palin bought a home in Alaska two months before the incident.

Hanks has been ordered to pay Palin's attorney's fees.