Camel Roams Southern California Streets After Escaping Circus

ABC News
A circus camel roamed the streets of a Southern California city after it escaped from its handlers.
The camel is part of the Ramos Bros. Circus and the incident started during some exercises Friday afternoon.
"Somebody dropped a wrench and one of them got scared," said Douglas Ramos, co-owner of Ramos Bros. Circus.
The camel ran out of its tent and onto Glendale city streets.
"Literally there was 10 people running after this camel, it was craziness on the street, I heard kids yelling and screaming," witness Diana Madison told ABC News Los Angeles station KABC.
The camel ran into a gas station and was lured back to the circus with a carrot, unharmed.
Ramos joked that maybe the camel just wanted to get in some Black Friday shopping.
"You know, we do this every day. This time I guess she just wanted to go shopping or something, I don't know. Black Friday deals," he said.