Dudley the Dog Gets Ready for the Day Like a Human - ABC News

Dudley the Dog Gets Ready for the Day Like a Human

Thanks to a class project Charli Kilpatrick, 22, was assigned in one of her University of Texas communications classes, her chocolate Labrador Retriever, Dudley, has become an instant Internet sensation.

In the video, Dudley is portrayed just like a human-being (with a shiny coat of fur) waking up to an annoyingly loud alarm clock, getting dressed, brushing his teeth, and watching a little TV.

"I did it for a class project at UT," Kilpatrick told ABCNews.com. "The project was to create a short film or blog about marketing and circulating. The goal was to get 1,000 views by December. I sat down and had no idea how I'd get a thousand views by then. But I saw another video similar to it with a dog eating, and I thought I could take it a little farther.

"I knew dogs do well, and there's no language barrier, and who doesn't like dogs?"

The video of Dudley's dog day has had more than 1.4 million views since it was originally posted to YouTube on Oct. 14. Its success shocked not only Kilpatrick, but also her professor.

"He's really excited as well. It just proves his point of what we've been learning in class that circulation can happen so fast in this day and age through the World Wide Web. He's been really supportive and happy," Kilpatrick said.

When asked if she thought she would be earning an A on the project, she replied, "It's only a portion of the project. There's also a 14-page paper."

Kilpatrick, from Marble Falls, Texas, said Dudley isn't the only famous dog in her family.

"My dad's dog is kind of infamous in our hometown. He's on billboards and stuff, so now that my dog's popular too. It's kind of a funny thing."

Kilpatrick got Dudley as a puppy for Christmas last year. She never expected her perfect present to get so much attention now.

"The majority of the views were coming from Poland and Germany and stuff," said Kilpatrick. "I don't know how it got over there, but it was really neat to see that, and all the comments that are coming in. It's just been really cool seeing the fruits of the class I've been taking. I'm just glad people are enjoying it."