Jimi Hendrix's 70th Birthday Experience - ABC News

Jimi Hendrix's 70th Birthday Experience

"Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? "- Jimi Hendrix

Nov. 27, 2012, marks the 70th birthday of the late Jimi Hendrix. Influenced by U.S. rock 'n' roll and electric blues, Hendrix is recognized as one of the most influential electric guitarists of 20th century music. A new Hendrix album containing 12 previously unreleased recordings is reportedly scheduled for a March release. (Monitor Picture Library/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix is seen performing live onstage at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Feb. 24, 1969. A pioneer in the electric rock 'n' roll and psychedelic '60s era, Hendrix brought to the stage an unprecedented level of style and sounds using his electric guitar. In 1970, with only four years of stardom under his belt, Hendrix died from drug-related asphyxia at the age of 27. (David Redfern/Redferns/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix was born as Johnny Allen Hendrix Nov. 27, 1942, at Seattle's King County Hospital, and was later renamed James Marshall by his father, James "Al" Hendrix. (Apic/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix seen here, left , in 1965 with Curtis Knight and the Squires. This was one of several bands in which Hendrix played during the mid-60s, before the Jimi Hendrix Experience was formed. Hendrix also played with Little Richard and his ensemble band during this time. (Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

Hendrix was asked by Chas Chandler of the Animals in 1966 to move to London to work with his management company he started with ex-Animals Michael Jeffrey. Chandler helped him form the Jimi Hendrix Experience, with bassist Noel Redding, and drummer Mitch Mitchell. (Redferns/Getty Images)

After achieving success in Europe, the Jimi Hendrix Experience performed at the Monterey Pop Festival June 18, 1967, in Monterey, Calif. They became an instant success in the United States and were asked after the festival to headline an upcoming festival called Woodstock. (Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix had several signature moves on stage, such as playing his guitar with his tongue, or teeth. He was also known for setting his guitar on fire, smashing his guitar or playing it behind his back. He was also an icon of fashion for the '60s hippie-psychedelic era using scarves as headbands, buying vintage military blazers and velvet suits. (Petra Niemeier/Redferns/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix headlined the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival in Bethel, N.Y., Aug. 15-18, 1969. Hendrix was the last act to perform at the festival. Because of the rain delays Aug. 17, Hendrix finally took the stage at 8:30 a.m. Monday morning. This was an iconic moment for the 1960s. (Henry Diltz/Morrison Hotel Gallery/AP Photo)

Jimi Hendrix performs at the Felt Forum, Jan. 28, 1970, in New York City. (Walter Iooss Jr./Getty Images)

"I've been imitated so well, I've heard people copy my mistakes." - Jimi Hendrix

Hendrix is seen here in his London apartment in 1967 wearing his signature blue velvet suit. (Petra Niemeier/Redferns/Getty Images)

Seen here in 1967, Hendrix puffs on a "cigarette" backstage in London. Hendrix was widely known for his drinking and drug use, being cited as a "mean drunk" by friends. On May 3, 1969, Hendrix was arrested at the Toronto airport with a small amount of heroin and hashish in his luggage. He was later acquitted of the charges, claiming a fan slipped the drugs in his bag without his knowledge. (Jan Olofsson/Redferns/Getty Images)

Jimi Hendrix performs on stage at the Star Club March 18, 1967, in Hamburg, Germany.(Gunter Zint/K & K Ulf Krugher OHG/Redferns/Getty Images)

"It's funny how most people love the dead, once you're dead you're made for life." - Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix died in London early Sept. 18, 1970. He'd been seen at a party earlier that evening, before being picked up by girlfriend Monika Dannemann and driven to her apartment at the Samarkand Hotel in Notting Hill, England. According to surgeon John Bannister, the doctor who initially attended to him, Hendrix had asphyxiated in his own vomit, which had filled his airways. Hendrix reportedly took nine of Dannemann's sleeping pills, when the normal dosage was half a pill. Dannemann said she had only discovered that he had been sick at 11:00 a.m., and he was breathing, although unconscious and unresponsive (The ambulance was called at 11:18 a.m. and arrived 11:27). (Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

A memorial statue of Hendrix playing a Stratocaster stands near the corner of Broadway and Pine Street in Seattle. In May 2006, the city renamed a park near its Central District in his honor. (Walter Iooss Jr./Getty Images)

"When the power of love exceed the love for power, the world will finally know peace."- Jimi Hendrix