Mark Kelly Tells Diane Sawyer Sentencing of Jared Lee Loughner is "Not Exactly Closure, But it is Resolution"

Tonight on "World News with Diane Sawyer," astronaut Mark Kelly spoke to Diane Sawyer about what it was like to be in the courtroom with his wife Gabrielle Giffords as Jared Lee Loughner was sentenced. He said he and Giffords now had "some sense of resolution. Not exactly closure, but it is resolution."

Loughner, he said, was "a little defiant in the way looking at us and looking at Gabby. I got the sense he was trying to intimidate us, especially my wife."

Giffords stared into Loughner's eyes while her husband addressed the court. "She stared into his eyes the entire time. I saw a person [Loughner] who certainly has major mental illness, but who knew where he was and why he was there," Kelly said.

**Interview begins at 1:35 in the video above.
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