Wedding Ring Found in Salvation Army Donation Kettle - ABC News

Wedding Ring Found in Salvation Army Donation Kettle

When Salvation Army employees in Enid, Okla., were counting their red kettle donations one night last week, something more valuable than your typical spare change showed up.

A wedding ring was found among all the nickels and dimes.

"I've had some coins that were worth $40 or $50 through the years, but I've never had anything like this before," the Salvation Army's Major John Dancer told "I've had junk jewelry show up, like out of the machines for a child, but nothing like this."

Dancer said he is concerned because there is no indication whether the ring just slipped off someone's finger, or was dropped off on purpose. He said he is not disclosing what the ring looks like, or where it was found. He said he wants to make sure the jewelry is returned to the correct owner if it was lost.

"We've been getting lots of calls. But no one has been able to describe it even remotely right. They either tell me the wrong date it was lost or just describe it wrong," Dancer said. "But I'm really hoping if somebody has lost it, they'll hear about it in the news or in the paper, and they'll be able to describe about when they lost it, and where they were when they lost it in the kettle."

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Salvation Army people were shocked when they found the ring.

"They were astonished because they had never seen something like that. And they were concerned," said Dancer. I thought, 'Oh my gosh, somebody lost their ring.' The next day, right away, first thing in the morning, I called my contact in the newspaper to see if somebody gave us this on purpose. We've got to find this person."

Dancer said the ring could actually be a real donation, but he wants to make sure there isn't someone out there heartbroken that it was lost.

"I feel for who's lost this, because I too have lost my wedding ring," Dancer said. "I hurt my finger so it swelled. So I put it in my shirt pocket and it somehow fell out. I looked high and low for it, but luckily for me, my wife bought me a new one. But some people can't do that."

However, he added, "It could be intentional. Maybe somebody is going through a divorce, and putting the ring toward something good. I just hope it wasn't passed down from someone's mother."

Dancer is giving the owner 90 days to claim the ring before he accepts it as a donation. But for now, his main priority is tracking down the owner.

"Our brand, for lack of a better word, is about doing the most good. That's what we're all about. It's about second chances and giving back. And doing good is about making sure this ring gets back to the rightful owner," Dancer said.

If you believe you're the owner of the ring, Dancer said to call Enid's Salvation Army office at 580-237-1910 and ask for Major Dancer, his wife Geri, or Charlotte Gragret.