Obie the Obese Dachshund's Custody Case Settled

(Image Credit: Facebook)

The custody battle for Obie the obese Dachshund is over.

Oregon Dachshund Rescue has agreed to settle the case it brought against Nora Vanatta, the former veterinary technician from Portland, Ore., who agreed to foster Obie and help him lose some weight.

Oregon Dachshund Rescue claimed to be the dog's owner, and had alleged in court papers filed in Washington state in October that Vanatta was exploiting the "sensationalistic promotional value" of Obie's "unusual obesity."

Officials of Oregon Dachshund Rescue wanted the dog back.

The terms of the Thursday settlement were not disclosed, but both sides have expressed their satisfaction with the conclusion of the case.

Obie had tipped the scales at 77 pounds when Vanatta got him last year after a public request for help from ODR. The 5-year-old dog was so chubby that he needed a harness to hold him in so his body didn't drag on the ground, and even a few steps wore him out.

Vanatta, who now works as an EMT, agreed to temporarily adopt Obie to help get his weight under control, but she quickly fell in love.

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Others did, too. Vanatta appeared on national TV with the overweight canine, and a Facebook page she created to document Obie's weight loss now has more than 80,000 followers.

In a statement posted to its Facebook page Thursday, Oregon Dachshund Rescue wrote of the settlement: "The initial concerns we had that lead [sic] us to file the lawsuit have resolved with the passage of time. We have now been able to conclude this matter. … Thank you all for your support."

Vanatta also posted a statement on Obie's Facebook page, in which she thanked all his supporters.

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"Today is a wonderful day in Obie's journey," she wrote Thursday. "Obie gets to stay with me and his brothers and continue his legacy. I cannot discuss the details of the case and ask for respect with that piece of the settlement. I know Team Obie will be happy to continue to support his journey to a healthier dog. Here's to the next stage of Obie's life!"

According to Obie's Facebook page, he weighed 46 pounds at his most recent weigh-in Tuesday.

ABC News' Matt Knox contributed to this story.