University of Arkansas Student Charged for Tweets of Men Undressing in Locker Room - ABC News

University of Arkansas Student Charged for Tweets of Men Undressing in Locker Room


A University of Arkansas student is being charged with two counts of video voyeurism after he allegedly posted photos of men changing in the university's locker room to his anonymous Twitter account.

The Twitter account makes fun of students and faculty working out at the University of Arkansas' Health, Physical Education and Recreation center, or HPER building, by tweeting and posting embarrassing photos of people.

Caleb Kordsmeier, 21, was taken into custody by University of Arkansas police on Tuesday following an investigation of @HPERprobsUARK, a Twitter account that police said belonged to him.

"A patron of the facilities of the HPER building reported it [the Twitter account] to staff members of the HPER building, who then contacted police," said Lt. Gary Crain of the University of Arkansas Police Department.

Investigators did not know who was behind the Twitter account until they identified individuals within the photos.

"There were quite a few photos on there and, actually, one of the investigators knew a person who was photographed," said Crain.

"Some of the pictures are actually posed with full knowledge and agreement," Crain said. "The ones that are done within … the men's locker room were the ones in violation."

Police would not specify exactly what was in the two photos at issue except to say the men were in the process of undressing.

Investigators interviewed Kordsmeier at the end of January, but he was not served a warrant for his arrest on the felony charges until Tuesday. He was taken to the Washington County Sheriff's Office, where he was held on a $2,500 bond, posted that same day.

Dennis Dean, the prosecutor who pursued the warrant for video voyeurism, told ABC News that Kordsmeier attended his bond hearing on Wednesday and is set to appear in court on April 8.

Kordsmeier, a community health promotion major, did not respond to ABC News's calls for comment and police did not know if he had a lawyer.

However, someone has been tweeting from the @HPERprobsUARK account, asking followers to "Write the judge and [prosecutor] a letter with your concerns if you feel inclined."

"Yes. I've already been punished from school and doing everything I can to make up for it. I've cooperated 150%," @HPERprobsUARK tweeted.

University officials said they are not taking what Kordsmeier is accused of lightly.

"In a case like this, we have our own student conduct office within the division of student affairs," said Scott Flanagin, the director of communications for the Division of Student Affairs at U of A. "Any violation of the student conduct code will be brought to the office and looked at.

"I think it is a very serious offense," Flanagin added, "but I don't really know if that could lead up to an expulsion or suspension, where the student would have to meet certain requirements to get back to school."