Rare Hollywood & Pin-Up Photos on Auction - ABC News

Rare Hollywood & Pin-Up Photos on Auction

Guernsey's will hold a two-day auction this weekend to sell the Movie Star News Collection -believed to be the largest and most extensive collection of Hollywood celebrity photography. The collection contains approximately three million archived photographs, with the Marilyn Monroe file containing more than 600 images. This is the first time in 75 years that the collection will open for public viewing.

Movie Star News Collection was founded in 1939 when photographer Irving Klaw struck a deal with the movie studios to collect movie photography that was in great demand by Hollywood fans.

Bettie Page original black and white negatives. (Movie Star News Collection Archives) Irving Klaw, who was best known for popularizing pin-up photography, discovered and photographed Bettie Page. She came to be known as the "Queen of Pin-Ups."

Bettie Page original black and white negatives. (Movie Star News Collection Archives)

1954 arrival in Japan for honeymoon with Joe DiMaggio. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Marilyn Monroe out on the town. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Dorothy, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow, The Cowardly Lion and The Professor celebrate their roles in The Wizard of Oz by sitting atop Frank Baum's iconic book. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Vivian Leigh in Gone With the Wind. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

James Dean photographed in 1954 by Bert Six. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

James Dean on the set of Rebel Without A Cause, 1955. Photographed by Sid Avery. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Elizabeth Taylor glamour photo. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Elizabeth Taylor in a movie still from Cleopatra. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Judy Garland in costume as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. (Movie Star News Collection/Guernsey's)

Movie Star News Guernsey's Auction will be held April 6-7 at in New York City. For more images and info, go to guernseys.com.