WATCH: Ducks Interrupt Police Chase

A police officer in Oregon pursuing a speeding driver was stopped in his tracks by a mother duck and her ducklings.

The officer, Mark James, with the Portland Police Department, caught a vehicle going 52 mph in a 35 mph zone.

Dashcam video on Officer James' police cruiser shows him pulling around the corner to go after the traffic violator. After a short ride down the road on a rainy day, however, a mother duck and her two ducklings thwarted his plans by walking right into the path of his cruiser.

Instead of driving around the ducks to keep after the speeding driver, Officer James stopped his car, walked out in the rain and followed behind the ducks until he was sure they had made it safely to the side of the road and away from traffic.

"The duck family was safely escorted to water in a ditch and swam away," the police department states in a video of the incident posted to YouTube.

Officer James, who could not be reached today by, can be seen giving a shoulder shrug as he returned to his cruiser.

"The traffic violator swam away too," the department notes at the video's end.