When People See a Situation that Cries Out for Action, Do They Step in, Back Away or Just Walk on by?

When you think no one is watching… what would you do? Using hidden cameras, "What Would You Do?" establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process. "What Would You Do?" airs FRIDAY, JUNE 14 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.

Friday, June 14 scenarios Include:

  • Sedating the Baby: Recently a pre-school teacher was accused of putting sedatives in the sippy cups of toddlers. So what would happen when a nanny, out to lunch with a toddler-aged child who is running around and misbehaving, threatens to, and then gives the child what looks like medicine to calm him down? Will anyone approach the nanny?
  • Middle Eastern Discrimination: A young man wearing an American flag t-shirt enters a deli and verbally harasses and threatens a Middle Eastern clerk because of his ethnic background. How will other patrons react?
  • Velvet Rope: Two women are in line at a nightclub, excited about their night out. But when they finally make it to the front of the line, they run into a bouncer who has a very strict and completely offensive admission policy. The bouncer berates them about what they're wearing, and how they are not thin, or tall enough for "model night". Will anyone else on line stand up for the women? (OAD 5/4/12)
  • Proposition: An attractive, conservatively dressed young woman reveals to a bartender that she is nearly broke, with no job prospects and no one to turn to for help. So what will happen when a slick businessman sitting nearby leans over and says he knows how she can make some fast cash as a "special companion" for his out of town clients? Will anyone at the bar step in?
  • Route 66 Preview: Next Friday, June 21, "What Would You Do?" takes to the road, travelling Route 66 through the heart of the country. John Quiñones previews the hour with a scenario taken straight from the headlines: Gay Boy Scouts. Just last month, the long held ban on gay scouts was reversed. What will others do when they see two boy scouts picking on another, threatening to "out" him to his family and leaders? Will they side with the gay scout or his non-accepting friends?

"What Would You Do?" has won awards from the Chicago International Television Festival and the Avon Foundation's 2006 Voice of Change award for exposing "injustice and wrongdoing against women and bringing the message of domestic violence to the mainstream."

David Sloan is senior executive producer and Danielle Rossen is executive producer of "What Would You Do?"

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