Terry Moran Named London-Based ABC News Anchor and Chief Foreign Correspondent - ABC News

Terry Moran Named London-Based ABC News Anchor and Chief Foreign Correspondent

ABC News President Ben Sherwood announced that ABC's Terry Moran would be taking on a new role overseas for ABC News. He sent the following email to the news division:

I am pleased to announce that Terry Moran will be taking on a new and important role at ABC News. Later this summer he will move across the pond to serve as a London-based anchor for ABC News and as our Chief Foreign Correspondent.

Terry's range as a reporter is exceptional. He is equally adept interviewing a confessed hit man in one of Mexico's most notorious gangs as he is breaking down some of the most complex Supreme Court decisions.

After serving as an outstanding White House Correspondent for ABC from 1999 through 2005, Terry has crisscrossed the globe for ABC News and Nightline chasing some of the biggest international stories. He embedded with our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, reported a week-long series on America's detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, and, most recently, gave viewers a rare glimpse into life inside the war-torn country of Syria. Then there is the unforgettable image of Terry reporting amidst the cheering crowds in Tahrir Square, conveying the emotion of the Egyptian people so clearly as news broke that Hosni Mubarak was stepping down from power.

A brilliant writer and gifted storyteller, Terry has the ability to see the story no one else sees, explain its importance to the audience, and do it all in a stylish and compelling way.

We're also very fortunate that as he makes this move abroad, Terry will continue to contribute to our coverage of landmark Supreme Court decisions. He is a veteran and award-winning court reporter with a deep understanding of the Supreme Court and its history.

International reporting has long been a hallmark of ABC News and a part of Peter Jennings' legacy here. I look forward to Terry taking his signature voice to all corners of the globe for ABC News.

Please join me in congratulating Terry on his new role.

