On "What Would You Do?" Airing Friday, July 5 at 9:00pm ET on ABC

When People See a Situation that Cries Out for Action, Do They Step in, Back Away or Just Walk on by?

When you think no one is watching… what would you do? Using hidden cameras, "What Would You Do?" establishes everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second and often surprising decision-making process. "What Would You Do?" airs FRIDAY, JULY 5 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.

Friday, July 5 Scenarios Include:

  • Women in Business: What would you do if you witnessed a job interview at a café where the male manager tells a younger female interviewee that she will not be hired because of her gender? Will any customers stand up for the female job-seeker? "Shark Tank" judge Barbara Corcoran guest stars. (Originally aired on 9/14/12)
  • Food for the Homeless: When a waiter/bartender refuses to serve a homeless man, even though another woman leaves money to cover his food bill, will anyone intervene? (Originally aired on 9/14/12)
  • Super Sour Sixteen: How will fellow shoppers react when a bratty and entitled girl throws a fit at a dress shop because she hates her custom-made Sweet 16 dress? (Originally aired on 9/14/12)
  • Sandwich Board Kids: Recently some parents are turning to a controversial form of punishment: making their kids wear a sandwich board that describes their offense (from stealing to smoking to doing drugs) on a public street. Will any bystanders intervene? (Originally aired on 9/14/12)
  • Careless Pharmacist: What would you do if you saw a pharmacist loudly disclosing potentially embarrassing information regarding a prescription pick-up about someone waiting in line? Will anyone tell our loudmouth pharmacist to tone it down? (Originally aired on 5/11/12)

"What Would You Do?" has won awards from the Chicago International Television Festival, and the Avon Foundation's 2006 Voice of Change award for exposing "injustice and wrongdoing against women and bringing the message of domestic violence to the mainstream."

David Sloan is senior executive producer and Danielle Rossen is executive producer of "What Would You Do?"

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