Woman Allegedly 'Chest-Bumped' at Redbox for Taking Too Long to Choose Movie

A 26-year-old woman was allegedly assaulted at a Redbox movie-rental kiosk in a Massachusetts Stop & Shop.

The victim, whom police have not identified, was trying to select a movie last Saturday at 6 p.m., according to Sgt. Denis Sheehan of the East Longmeadow Police Department.

"Apparently, she was taking a long time," Sheehan told ABC News. "There were a number of people in line waiting to rent a movie."

A "heated verbal argument" broke out, Sheehan told ABC News. "There were some words exchanged, and the suspect allegedly chest-bumped her."

Sheehan said the victim told him that the man used his forearm to press her upper chest and throat areas, and that he also pinned her up against the Redbox machine. She was not hurt during the alleged assault, Sheehan said.

According to ABC affiliate WGGB, the suspect went to two Redbox kiosks inside the store. It was at the second kiosk that he found the victim and her nephew waiting in line.

"We were able to take some still photos from the surveillance video at the market," said Sheehan.

The suspect as seen on a still picture taken from surveillance video

"We shared those with the local media, both the print and local media," said Sheehan, and within 90 minutes, the police received a call from someone who was familiar with the suspect.

The suspect has not been formally charged or arraigned, Sheehan said, but he could face assault and battery charges.

If charged with the maximum penalty, he could face up to two and a half years in prison, Sheehan told ABC News

Sheehan said the East Longmeadow Police Department had reports of shoplifting and other incidents at this supermarket, but a fight over a Redbox movie rental "was a first."

ABC News called the Longmeadow Stop & Shop for a response, but the manager declined to comment.

Sheehan said the investigation is ongoing.