George Zimmerman Gets His Guns Back, So Does Girlfriend - ABC News

George Zimmerman Gets His Guns Back, So Does Girlfriend

George Zimmerman has finally picked up his guns from police.

Zimmerman, 30, whose arsenal was confiscated in November following a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, picked up his four firearms, including a shotgun and an assault rifle from the Seminole County Sheriff's Office in Sanford, Fla., this week.

He was eligible to retrieve the weapons since Dec. 11 when assault charges against him were dismissed.

Zimmerman, perhaps Florida's most notorious gun owner, picked up the weapons on Tuesday and Wednesday and returned to the sheriff's office on Thursday with girlfriend Samantha Scheibe, 27, because she also had to retrieve a handgun police seized during the same incident in November.

Returned to Zimmerman were an Interarms .380-caliber handgun, a Glock 19 handgun, a Kel-Tec 12-gauge shotgun and an AR-15 assault rifle.

Scheibe picked up her Taurus 9mm handgun.

The couple's weapons were removed after Scheibe called police on Nov. 18 and reported that Zimmerman was threatening her with a shotgun.

"You put your gun in my freaking face!" Scheibe is heard yelling at Zimmerman on a 911 call from the time.

Scheibe later dropped the charges against Zimmerman. With no criminal charges against him, Zimmerman is free to carry the weapons, said Heather Smith, spokeswoman for the Seminole Sheriff.

Zimmerman was acquitted earlier this year of murder charges for killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. He has claimed he needs the weapons because of threats against him following the verdict. Since the verdict this summer, he has been stopped by police a couple times for speeding and given warnings. His wife also filed charges against him, but later withdrew the accusation. Zimmerman has denied threatening his wife and his girlfriend.