Pope Celebrates 77th Birthday With the Homeless, Including a Dog

What do you give a man who literally has his own country?

Pope Francis today celebrated his 77th birthday, kicking things off by breaking bread with the least among his flock.

Four homeless men, all of whom live on the Roman streets outside the Vatican's walls, had breakfast at the pope's residence in a modest hotel in the Holy See after a morning mass.

The pope addressed each of them in his homily, before inviting the group to breakfast. One of the men brought his dog to mass and the meal in the hotel's dining room.

Pope Francis is also expected to meet with members of his favorite soccer club, Buenos Aires' San Lorenzo, which clinched the Argentine championship Sunday.

Team members will present the pope with a replica of their championship trophy.

Pope Francis, right, welcomes homeless men, Dec. 17, 2013, who helped the Pope celebrate his 77th birthday at the Vatican. (L'Osservatore Romano/AP Photo)