Woman Eats Every Meal in 2013 at Starbucks

Beautiful Existence/Instagram

Seattle resident Beautiful Existence has a unique name, but what she did in 2013 might be even more unusual: she bought every single meal that year at Starbucks or a Starbucks-owned brand.

Existence, 40, has two young children, and they ate regular food, but she stuck to her challenge of having breakfast, lunch, dinner and all beverages at Starbucks or one of its brands - including Teavana, Evolution Fresh or La Boulangel. She blogged about the experience.

In a Wednesday interview with ABC News, Existence said she spent between $500 and $600 every month on the challenge, which she said grew out of her passion for knowing more about the culture of local companies and her background in marketing and social media.

"So it's just kind of a love that I have [for] really investigating how a company can exist in the world and create kind of a message and image," she said.

Existence added that she chose Starbucks because her sister has worked there for years and had found it a good experience. In a previous year's challenge, Existence did all her shopping - with the exception of groceries - at Goodwill stores.

Existence said she'd never been a frequent Starbucks customer before her challenge.

"I mean I would go to Starbucks, maybe once or twice a month," she said.

Things have changed now.

"They completely won me over after this year. … It is really the community within that brand that makes everything," she said. "I learned so much this year it's unbelievable and it's so hard to put down in a blog. I mean, you really almost have to write a book."

She and her fiancé even exchanged love notes on Starbucks cups, she said.

Towards the end of the challenge, Existence said she started craving other kinds of food - including cantaloupe and hamburgers. On New Year's Day 2014, her first non-Starbucks meal was fish and chips at Ivar's, a Seattle restaurant.

"It was really good, really good," she said.

Afterward, she had a veggie omelet and hash browns at brunch.

Starbucks spokeswoman Lisa Miller said the company was honored that Existence chose it as the focus of her challenge. Existence wasn't compensated in any way, Miller added. Like any other frequent customer, Existence got food and beverage rewards for every 12 purchases, Miller said.

For 2014, Existence has focused on sporting retailer REI. She has vowed to learn 80 sports, including ice climbing and skiing.

"It's actually pretty aggressive," she said of the challenge, adding "I'm going to be very fit by the end of this year."