Moms of U.S. Women's Hockey Team Reveal Pre-Game Superstitions

ABC News' Kaitlyn Folmer reports:

U.S. Women's hockey team forward Julie Chu is fierce and fearless on the ice. Kacey Bellamy is passionate in her pursuit of the puck, and twins Jocelyne and Monique Lamoureux are double trouble when it comes to scoring.

But who are the forces behind these talented women?

"Good Morning America" correspondent Amy Robach sat down with players' mothers at the P&G House at the Olympic Village in Sochi.

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The women - Miriam Chu, Maura Bellamy and Linda Lamoureux - have known each other for nearly a decade, and have supported their daughters' hockey dreams.

They talked about which mother was the calmest, and who screamed - or yelled - with excitement.

Bellamy dances in the stands.

"I'm just doing my thing and I'm trying to get everybody to do it … and you know Linda, so she'll sometimes stand up and she'll just stand with me and we'll just I get everybody going," she said.

Robach asked what it was like to be a hockey mom.

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"Well, for me personally, we are from Connecticut and when Julie started hockey, there were no girls' teams," Chu said. "So she was the only girl on a boys' team … And she held her own and the boys were fabulous."

Added Bellamy: "Kacey played boys from when she was very young … It was challenging, but it was great, and I know that's why she's here today."

Lamoureux said her twins have been best friends on their hockey journey.

"And they've had four older brothers to push them … I never imagined that we'd be in our second Olympics, so I'm very proud to be here, and the girls are on a mission. Their team is ready," she said.

They also talked about their pre-game rituals and superstitions.

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Bellamy says she wear red boots.

"They've carried me far and I dance a lot in them. And I love them so, yeah, we do. And we have our pins. We all have our pins. We all have our pins that we wear," she said, referring to pins bearing their daughters' numbers.

Chu says she wears a scarf.

"It's a U.S.A scarf," she said. "I've had it since day one that Julie started, 2002 Olympics. I bring it to every Olympics and I have a particular American flag that I only take out for the finals."

And they've all gotten gold manicures to symbolize their daughters' gold medal aspirations.

"Yeah, gold is the goal," Bellamy said.