Quest to Be the Last Man in US to Learn Super Bowl Winner

The quest to be the last man in the United States to find out who won the Super Bowl might be more exciting this year than the actual game.

David McDowell, 24, of Oxford, Miss., still doesn't know that the Seattle Seahawks smothered the Denver Broncos 43-8 and he doesn't want anyone to spoil it for him.

It's all part of a game called #LastMan and the goal is to be the last person to find out #TheKnowledge, which is the lingo players use for the outcome of the Super Bowl.

While millions of people watched the Seahawks pound the Broncos, McDowell told he went to the grocery store and then went to bed around 8:30 p.m. Central Standard Time to "avoid some of the hubub."

At least ten players committed on Twitter to take the #LastMan challenge and are now going through extreme measures to avoid learning #TheKnowledge, but by this afternoon, a few were already out of the game.

"Headphones are always a good idea," McDowell said.

He's also installed blockers on his computer so he can't impulsively check his favorite websites that might spoil the game for him. His co-workers also know better than to talk about the Super Bowl with him, he said.

"I'd like to make it through Tuesday but I'd feel truly accomplished if I made it to Thursday or Friday," he said. "Honestly, I'm surprised I made it this far."

Here's how some of McDowell's #LastMan competitors are avoiding #TheKnowledge - and how one was knocked out of the game.

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