Two Store Ramming Heists Caught on Camera

Newly released video shows exactly how thieves managed to steal as much as $250,000 in jewelry from a New Jersey store after ramming their way in.

In less than two minutes, police say, the alleged thieves smashed a stolen pickup truck through the glass doors of the Jewelry Center in Paramus, N.J., stole a safe and dumped it into a getaway car.

"They were professional. They had a plan and executed it very well," Paramus Police Det. Mike Kelly told ABC affiliate WABC.

The break-in happened early Friday morning on what would have been a very busy day for the Jewelry Center, Valentine's Day.

"It's depressing. With all the hard work that we had these years, put this together, and in a couple of minutes they can take it away from you. It's heartbreaking," Jewelry Center owner Joseph Ayaz, told WABC.

Ayaz's store is home to multiple jewelry vendors but only one was targeted in the break-in. Ayaz estimates $100,000 in damages to his store during the break-in, according to WABC.

Police say the robbers, who are still on the loose, relied on at least three stolen vehicles, including a construction vehicle, to execute the heist. Once inside the store, the alleged thieves used cables to pull the safe into the getaway car.

In another heist caught on camera, this one in Houston, police say the alleged thieves caused thousands of dollars in damage to the store but made off with something far less valuable, an 18-pack of Bud Light.

Surveillance cameras outside a Valero convenience store captured a vehicle backing into the store early Tuesday and smashing through the front glass doors. Two men wearing black masks then jumped out of the car and ran into the store, emerging just seconds later with just the beer.

"It doesn't make any sense," Ali Iqbal, the store's manager, told The Associated Press.

Houston police are still looking for the suspects.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.