Boys Make a Splash at Talent Show With Synchronized Air Swimming

While it is not an Olympic sport, and probably never will be, a group of fifth-grade boys from Texas brought the house down by doing a synchronized air swimming routine at their school's talent show.

The idea for how to let eight boys from W.A. Porter Elementary School in Hurst, Texas, show off their synchronized "swimming" skills inside an auditorium without water came from one of the boys' moms, who saw something similar on YouTube.

The result was a three-minute routine that not only stole the show at the school's talent event earlier this month but went viral after it was posted online.

"One of the moms posted it on Facebook and another on YouTube and it's taken off," said the school's principal, Greg Bicknell.

The YouTube clip of the routine - which shows the boys, dressed in goggles and swimming caps, leaping, twirling and floating in perfect synch behind a blue "water wall" - already has more than 45,000 views.

"One of the kids' parents posted it on Facebook and another friend saw it somewhere else and posted it back saying, 'This is really cool,' not even realizing she knew someone in it," said Bicknell.

The talent show, which also featured singers, dancers and a magician, according to Bicknell, does not award prizes but the principal said the boys' routine really stood out.

"It was obvious that they'd really worked hard and practiced," Bicknell said. "It was great."

One thing the boys, all of whom will leave the school after this year to attend different middle schools, did not practice, however, was how to handle their instant fame.

"I think they were a little surprised by the reaction at the talent show but even more so afterwards," Bicknell said. "I think they've been really surprised by all the attention this has gathered."