Heatmap Shows 'Blackshades' Possible Victims Across Globe - ABC News

Heatmap Shows 'Blackshades' Possible Victims Across Globe

A law enforcement heatmap shows the U.S. appears to have been hit the hardest by the "Blackshades" malware - specifically in areas around New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco - but that the malware infected countries around the world.

The map, obtained by ABC News, shows "high" levels of infection in the larger American cities and but shows blanket infections throughout Europe, in Israel, in many parts of India, into Southeast Asia and even sprinkled a bit around major cities in Australia.

Today law enforcement officials in New York announced mass arrests against those who created, sold or used Blackshades - an effort that nabbed scores of suspects in more than a dozen countries.

Blackshades is malware available in online forums for only $40 that can allow hackers to get into a target computer and "access and view documents, photographs and other files on the victim's computer, record all of the keystrokes entered on the victim's keyboard, steal the passwords to the victim's online accounts and even activate the victim's web camera to spy on the victim - all of which could be done without the victim's knowledge," according to a criminal complaint released today.

READ MORE: Mass Arrests in 'Blackshades' Hacking, Malware Stole Pics of Miss Teen USA