Security at 1 World Trade Center Still in Question as BASE Jumpers Appear in Court

As new video of a daring BASE jump off the top of 1 World Trade Center was released today, the three men who took the leap as well as their driver appeared in court this morning for their arraignment and to try and get the most serious charges dismissed.

"It's just a beautiful experience to have, to experience life from that perspective, to take a moment out and just enjoy your life," jumper Andrew Rossig said today outside the courthouse.

The four pleaded not guilty to charges including felony burglary and reckless endangerment, saying that they never saw security and spent four hours taking in the view from the nation's tallest building before jumping.

Watch: World Trade Center BASE jump video is released.

"We found a spot where the cameras were not picking up and there happened to be a hole in the fence there as well," Rossig told ABC News in March, when the first video was released. "We had no intentions of being disrespectful to anybody. We weren't trying to hurt anybody."

According to court documents, in September 2013, jumper James Brady, an ironworker at 1 World Trade Center, snuck parachutes in beforehand and used his access to get the other three men into the site.

Brady and the other jumpers - Rossig and Marko Markovich - were videotaped jumping by Kyle Hartwell, according to court documents. The video was released in March.

Court documents said the trio admitted to jumping after Hartwell identified them to authorities.

"Everybody has their thing. This is our thing," Brady told ABC News in March. "We were thinking very clearly that everything was working out for us to make a clean, safe jump."

That same month, a 16-year-old was arrested after sneaking past a sleeping security guard and climbing all the way to the building's antenna.

Critics said the stunt - in which the three men plummeted more than 1,700 feet - showed just how vulnerable the landmark was.

An investigation by ABC station WABC-TV in New York today showed a police officer more focused on a cell phone in April than on surveillance at the high-profile site.

Officials condemned the four men, saying they had "endangered the public," but adding that the site was now "secure."

ABC News' Mara Schiavocampo and Emily Friedman contributed to this report.