Students, 9 and 12, Arrested For Allegedly Poisoning Teacher
Two elementary grade students in Brooklyn, N.Y., have been arrested and charged with poisoning a teacher by putting rat killing chemicals in her water bottle.
The teacher, who has not been identified, brought the water bottle to the principal's office on Monday and then went to her doctor to be checked out, the New York City school system said today. The teacher is at home recovering today.
The suspects, ages 9 and 12, attend PS 315 in Brooklyn and were arrested after a parent of another student called the school to say her child witnessed a student putting something in the teacher's water bottle, authorities confirmed to ABC News.

PS 315 where two students, ages 9 and 12, are charged with poisoning a teacher, is shown. ABC News
Deputy Police Commissioner Stephen Davis said today that the poison was administered by the younger boy who was assisted by the older boy. Davis said the boys wanted to see what would happen to the teacher. He also said it was the 9-year-old who procured the rat poison.
The students have been charged with criminal possession of a weapon (the rat pellets), reckless endangerment and attempted assault. They will be treated as juveniles, authorities said.
"We are greatly relieved that the teacher is recovering and we continue to closely monitor this situation," the Department of Education said in a statement. "Ensuring the safety of our entire schools community is our priority, and while this matter is still under investigation, we will take swift and appropriate action."